Ancient Egypt | Top 20 weird practices

Ancient Egypt is a civilization that has fascinated people around the world for thousands of years. From their impressive pyramids to their intricate hieroglyphics, the ancient Egyptians were known for their complex culture. However, some of their practices were quite bizarre and in some cases, downright strange!

1- Crocodile dung in ancient Egypt

One of the weirdest practices of ancient Egypt was their use of crocodile dung as a form of contraceptive. Women would mix the dung with honey and apply it to their cervix in order to prevent pregnancy. This method was so common that archaeologists have found ancient papyri containing detailed instructions for how to use it.

2- The power of urine

Another odd practice of ancient Egypt was their belief in the power of urine. They believed that the liquid had magical healing powers and would use it to treat a variety of ailments, from toothaches to burns.

3-Mummification in ancient Egypt

No doubt that the first unusual and interesting traditions in Ancient Egypt is Mummification process. The ancient Egyptians believed in the importance of preserving the body for the afterlife, and so they developed a complex process of mummification. This involved removing the organs from the body, drying it out with natron (a type of salt), and then wrapping it in linen bandages. Ancient Egyptians buried the mummies in elaborate tombs, along with food, clothing, and other offerings for the deceased to use in the afterlife.

4- Animal worship

Some of the complicated pantheon of gods and goddesses that the ancient Egyptians worshipped had animal connections. For instance, the goddess Bastet represnted cats, whereas the deity Horus was sometimes shown with a falcon’s head.

5- Ancient Egyptian Scarification

Personally I don’t consider Scarification is one of the 20 odd and fascinating ancient Egyptian practices. It is more African practices than ancient Egyptian. Some ancient Egyptians engaged in a practice known as scarification, which involved cutting or branding the skin to create designs or patterns. In addition to occasionally identifying persons as members of a particular group, this was frequently done for religious reasons.

6- Dwarfism in ancient Egypt

Dwarfism was not uncommon in ancient Egypt and was even seen as a symbol of divinity due to the belief that gods and goddesses could take on different forms, including that of a dwarf. Some famous examples of dwarfism in ancient Egypt include the court dwarf Seneb, who served during the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, and the goddess Bes, who was depicted as a dwarf with a fierce expression and protective nature. Despite being prized for their appearance, little is known about the daily lives of dwarfs in ancient Egypt. However, they were often employed in specialized roles, such as entertainers, dancers, and even advisers to the pharaoh. Nevertheless, as with many disabilities throughout history, the exact experiences of people with dwarfism in ancient Egypt are largely unknown and left to speculation.


7- Shabti figurines

Ancient Egyptians had unusual practices including burying shabti statues with the deceased to ensure companionship in the afterlife. Clay or stone figurines were small statues engraved with spells and commands for the deceased to perform tasks in the afterlife.

8- Ostrich egg jewelry

Egyptians were skilled in creating jewelry, and they often used ostrich eggs to make decorative objects such as beads and pendants. They would carve intricate designs into the eggs, which would then be polished and used to create elaborate pieces of jewelry.

9- Cat burial in ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptians had a close relationship with cats, which were considered to be sacred animals. Pet cats were typically mummified and buried with food and other sacrifices to aid them in the afterlife.

10- Sun worship

The sun was revered as a strong deity by the ancient Egyptians, who created a sophisticated system of solar worship. Significant activities involve the construction of temples and the incorporation of solar motifs in literature, architecture, and art.

11- Tomb paintings in ancient Egypt

The walls of ancient Egyptian tombs were usually adorned with stunning paintings depicting events from their lives and beliefs. These paintings were meant to show the dead interacting with gods and goddesses in the afterlife.

12- Artificial cranial deformation

Some ancient Egyptians practiced artificial cranial deformation, which involved shaping the skull of an infant by binding it tightly with cloth or other materials. This practice was frequently done for aesthetic or cultural reasons. In addition to mark individuals as members of a particular social group.

13- Magic and spells

The people of ancient Egypt thought that magic and spells could change the course of events. They created an intricate system of spells and incantations that could be employed for a variety of things, such as love, protection, and healing.

14- Water clocks in ancient Egypt

People in ancient Egypt also used water flow to develop a system of water clocks that kept track of time. Temples and other public structures frequently employed these clocks to keep track of significant events and rituals.

15- Kohl eyeliner

The ancient Egyptians invented kohl, a type of eyeliner, as a result of their skill in creating cosmetics. This was used to provide the distinctive “Egyptian eye” appearance that is still in vogue today. It was prepared from a blend of charcoal and other materials.

16- Beer for the dead

Ancient Egyptians loved beer, and the dead would frequently receive it as a gift in their tombs. Some tombs featured beer-making equipment, suggesting that the deceased were expected to continue enjoying beer in the afterlife.

17- Mummified animals

The ancient Egyptians mummified several different animal species, including cats, dogs, birds, and even crocodiles, in addition to human corpses. Many of these animals were revered as holy beings and worshipped as incarnations of different gods.

18- Ancient Egyptian amulets

Amulets were little items that the ancient Egyptians believed were powerful and could bring luck and protection. A variety of mystical spells and symbols were carved on amulets, which were typically made of precious metals and stones.

19- Harem conspiracy

In the 14th century BCE, a group of royal women conspired to overthrow the pharaoh and put one of their own sons on the throne. The conspiracy was ultimately unsuccessful, but it is an interesting example of the power and influence of royal women in ancient Egypt.

20- The Book of the Dead

The Book of the Dead was a collection of religious texts and spells buried with the deceased to guide them through the afterlife. It included instructions on how to navigate the underworld, as well as spells and incantations to protect the deceased from harm.