Child welfare guidelines

Gain insights into the evolution of child welfare policies and their impact on vulnerable children.

Child welfare is crucial in the tourism industry, as it ensures the safety of children at risk of abuse and exploitation. Travel companies, tour operators, and hotel staff must be trained to identify and report suspicious activities. The industry can contribute to child welfare by supporting local initiatives, creating economic opportunities, and reducing child labor prevalence.
worry-free travel experience with kids!
Egyptiva recognizes its responsibility to protect the welfare of children and takes this matter very seriously. As a result, we have strict guidelines in place concerning the booking of trips involving children, including requiring proof of parental consent and ensuring that accommodations are child-friendly and meet safety standards.

practical ways to support child welfare during your travels.



Taking pictures of children while traveling without their permission can be a sensitive issue for various reasons. It’s important to respect cultural, ethical, and moral values of the places you visit, and the people you encounter on your journey. To avoid any potential risks or offending someone, it’s best to ask for permission first before taking pictures of children. If permission is not granted, it’s best to move on and respect the individual’s wishes. Remember, taking pictures should be done with respect, sensitivity, and care for everyone’s privacy and personal boundaries



Don’t interrupt the classroom while traveling. It can be disruptive to the learning environment. Be respectful and mindful of others in a school setting. Wait for the class to end for non-urgent interruptions. Respect the classroom environment and prioritize children learning.
child-welfare-Huge hand offering big coin to happy girl

Gifts and souvenirs

Helping street children by giving them gifts or money may not be a sustainable solution and can perpetuate poverty. Instead, supporting local organizations that provide education, healthcare, and basic needs is a better way to empower them. We can also offer food or clothing, engage with them, and learn about their stories. Supporting local businesses that provide employment to their families can also help break the cycle of poverty and provide a better future for these vulnerable children.

Doctor giving treatment to boy illustration

Child welfare & safety

If you ever come across a child who seems to be in a situation that is not right, then it is important that you do the right thing and report it immediately. Trust your instincts and don’t dismiss the situation without finding out more. Children are vulnerable, and it is our responsibility as adults to protect them from harm. It could be a case of abuse, neglect, or any other form of mistreatment. Reporting the situation to the authorities will ensure that the child gets the help and support they need, and the situation can be investigated further. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, and speaking up could make all the difference to a child’s life and well-being.

0 -Tolerance

Egyptiva has a zero-tolerance policy on child abuse and takes every necessary precaution to protect the welfare of children on their trips.

Child welfare guidelines




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