Sustainable community-based tourism

What is community-based tourism?

Community-based tourism offers a unique and immersive travel experience that goes beyond the typical tourist attractions. It allows travelers to engage with local communities, learn about their culture, and contribute to their economic development. This form of responsible travel focuses on creating sustainable livelihoods for local communities while preserving their cultural heritage. One of the key benefits of community-based tourism is the opportunity to have authentic local experiences. Our itineraries were designed so that travelers can interact with locals, participate in traditional activities, and gain a deeper understanding of the community’s way of life. This not only enriches the travel experience but also creates a positive impact by supporting local businesses and empowering community members.

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Community-based tourism and cultural immersion

Travelers can make a difference in preserving local culture. They can support initiatives that promote cultural heritage preservation, such as visiting museums or attending traditional performances. Additionally, tourists can choose accommodations and tour operators that prioritize sustainability and respect for the environment. Responsible travel is not only rewarding for travelers but also has long-term benefits for local communities. By embracing this form of responsible travel, we can create meaningful experiences that benefit both travelers and the destinations they visit.

The benefits of sustainable community-based tourism


Local economy

Community-based tourism creates jobs, generates cash, purchases products and services locally, and reduces the amount of money that leaves the community. It also contributes to the diversification of economic activity outside farming, which decreases risk in years when climate change results in little or no harvest.

travel-with-egyptiva-to-the-local-community-Nubian-women-in-the- Nubian-village

Shared benefits

The advantages of community-based tourism are distributed to all families. While not all households will host homestays, some may serve as guides or offer meals. Even individuals who are not actively participating benefit from the community fund's agreed-upon use.


Social benefits

People can get skills training, possibilities for community infrastructure development (electricity, roads, sanitation, water), and health advantages (education on water and waste management) via community-based tourism. Along with encouraging a more fair communal structure, it also boosts people's confidence and sense of pride because of their associations with travelers

Spices market in Nubian village-community-based-tourism

Culture preservation

community-based tourism creates jobs, generates cash, purchases products and services locally, and reduces the amount of money that leaves the community. It also contributes to the diversification of economic activity outside farming, which decreases risk in years when climate change results in little or no harvest.

Nubian Village at Aswan


One of the key advantages of community-based tourism is its positive impact on the environment. By involving local communities in the management and conservation of their surrounding ecosystems, this form of tourism promotes sustainable practices that help protect fragile ecosystems, reduce carbon footprint, and preserve biodiversity.


Empowerment of women

The potential of community-based tourism to give women access to the workforce is one of its main advantages. Women may earn money and support their families by working in several parts of the tourist value chain, such as hospitality, handicraft creation, and tour guiding.

Trips with community-based tourism experiences